Comics Research Links

Comics Research Links

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Library of Congress

Library of Congress – Cartoon Cornucopia

Among the recent acquisitions of the Library of Congress is the world’s largest and most spectacular private collection of original cartoon art. Assembled over the course of sixty years by J. Arthur Wood, Jr., the Art Wood Collection of Caricature and Cartoon more than doubles the Library’s existing holdings in this area.

Library of Congress – Prints & Photographs Reading Room

The Swann Foundation Home Page for Caricature and Cartoon disseminates information about eligibility, requirements, and application procedures for the Swann Foundation Fellowship. The Home Page features links to Swann Gallery exhibitions, bulletins about newly processed or recently acquired collections of caricature and cartoon, a calendar of events listing related lectures, symposia, and upcoming exhibitions at the Library of Congress. It also furnishes information about other caricature and cartoon collections and resources.

University Libraries

Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, Ohio State University

Indiana University Library

Michael E. Uslan Collection searchable database

Michigan State University Library Comics Research Links
List of comics e-resources.

More Cartoon Resources Online

American Library Association
Essential links an resources for comics educators.

Information and links to annotated bibliographies of comics and comics-based scholarly works.

Cartoon Stock
Online searchable database of over 90,000 gag cartoons, political cartoons, and illustrations from a plethora of printed publications. Features a large collection of pre-19th century cartoons.

Cartoon Bank
Searchable database of New Yorker cartoons and cover illustrations.

New York Public Library Comic Books Research Guide

Underground & Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels

Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels is the first ever scholarly, primary source database focusing on adult comic books and graphic novels. Beginning with the first underground comix from the 1960’s to the works of modern sequential artists, this collection will contain more than 75,000 pages of comics and graphic novels, along with 25,000 pages of interviews, criticism, and journal articles that document the continual growth and evolution of this art form.